You are reading this post which means you are in great dilemma. Aren't you? But why ? Let's find out the reasons for Blogger Privacy settings.
Should you be hiding your blog from other Bloggers and Search Engines ? The reasons are numerous and so are the solutions. Let's look at the reasons for hiding the blog from search engine. Some of them I have tried to collate here:
- You have a private blog which you wish others should not have a look.
- You are running a community blog where only people from a particular community may take interest.
- You want to keep your name out of the search whenever someone google it.
- You are circulating the material for which you are not authorized to circulate. Circulating such material publicly may invite attention of DMCA (copyright infringement) notices.
No matter whatsoever the reason may be. Today, we will try to learn whether it is possible to hide a blogger blog from search engine. To your anticipation, the answer is 'Yes'.
Yes, you can hide your blog from search engine whenever you wish it to be but hiding your blog will have its own advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage while using this feature is that your blog/website will not be indexed on Google, Bing and many other search engines. Resultant to which you may not be getting the genuine and original people which Google, Bing may send to your blog/website, had it been indexed properly.
Let's see how you can hide your blog / website from search engine in blogger.
Here, we have to follow very simple steps :
First Step:
Go to Blogger Dashboard.
Second Step:
On the left side, Click 'Settings' then Click 'Basic'.
Third Step:
There is an option to edit the Privacy settings, same as being shown below for your help.
Fourth Step:
Here, you will find two options, one is "Add you blog to our listings?" which means if enabled, your blog will be included in the blogger listings and all people in the world can add your blog into their "Reading List" which is very much required because if you new to this online business, you want more and more people to get engaged and link themselves to your blog. If you are capable enough to produce high quality content, your followers will rise to a significant number. The other option is "Let search engines find your blog?" which means search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and thousand others will not be able to index your blog if the above option is enabled. The disadvantages for not allowing the search engines to index the blog have already been discussed above.
Hope the above step by step guide for hiding the blog from search engines is helpful to all. If found any problem, please use the comment box to ask for help.
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